I read a comment by someone on FaceBook the other day. This person could not understand why so many of us were upset by the outcome of the election. A can of worms; where do I start? This is a personal issue and yet it is universal.
Michelle Obama's stirring speech is right on the mark:
The dust has settled somewhat, at least for the moment. We are in for the long haul. I believe that anyone who has been abused sexually, physically, or emotionally was triggered to some degree by the rude and crass behavior and language by the man who is somehow in the position of representing this country. I can't even say his name. I call foul.
I know what is is like to be belittled, disrespected and manipulated. As a young mother I was a battered woman. I know the fear and the helplessness and the challenges of coping with a life that makes you at the mercy of another.
This is not the legacy I want to leave my grandchildren. This man is not a role model in any way. It is not "normal" to bully and bluster and threaten. And he is going to run the country? Oh America, what have we done?
Writing is sorting. Writing down the stream of consciousness gives us a way to respect the mind, to choose among and harness thoughts, to interact with and change the contents of who we think we are. And that is what the spiritual journey is: a major change, over time, in who we think we are, followed by a corresponding change in what we believe ourselves capable of doing. >>>>>Christine Baldwin Life's Companion: Journal Writing as a Spiritual Quest>>>
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
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